

Apr 25

Management Tools

Business Jive is by far my favorite podcast in the world, ever, there’ll never be better. Oh yeah, we own it so I might be biased :) Judd does an awesome job putting together incredible podcasts.

My second favorite podcast though is Manager Tools, and I listen to it every spare moment I get (a lot of that has to do with that they have about 30 casts that I haven’t heard, I’ve heard all of business jive’s) Mark Hortsman and Mike Auzenne host the show and each one I’ve listened to so far has been packed with great ideas and advice for managers. The great thing about this show is that they teach management techniques in a no nonsense fashion and all of their methods tie into each other. They also have a ‘registered only’ podcast where they do a special cast each month for members only, it’s well worth registering to get it. Check it out and give it a listen – I think anyone involved in management will find it valuable.


  1. Rick Cartwright

    I have been listening to the Manager tools podcast for a few months and find it extremely helpful. I also enjoy Phil McKinney’s Killer Innovations podcast. The quality of these podcast is nothing short of amazing. Thanks for the tip on Business Jive.


  2. Robert Merrill

    I absolutely agree with you, Phil! I love manager-tools. I was actually listening to it this morning. I will also stump for landed.fm, podcast series about recruiting and talent… skim the surface if you’re not a recruiter, because there’s important stuff in there that every businessperson needs to know about talent management.

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