

Dec 04

Chickenpox! Serenity heading back to the Hospital

 I swore I would be better about blogging Serenity’s hospital/leukemia journey than I have been lately – unfortunately, now is my chance to make good on that.

 Serenity (my youngest daughter who has leukemia) has just been diagnosed with Chickenpox, one of the more dangerous things that could happen for her right now.  Adria is currently taking her to Primary Childrens Hospital to be admitted where they’ll pump her full of antibiotics again and try to fight off the infection.  Adria says she (Serenity) is MAD and is chanting “I DON’T WANT DINNER IN THE HOSPITAL!”.  She is tired of being stuck in a hospital bed and the worst part is, because she has chickenpox she will be isolated in her room and not allowed out to play. 

 And of course, we’re as sick as she is of being stuck there.  No idea how long this one will last, I’ll post updates as we get them.



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  1. amanda

    Wishing you blessings and a swift recovery.

  2. Crystal D

    She is in my prayers. Poor little thing.

  3. Alisa

    I hope it is under control and she is out of there again soon! Sending lots of get well fast thoughts her way.

    We were in there twice with my son during chemo for chickenpox– we caught it so fast the first time, and it was such a mild case that the docs suspect it didn’t count, because darn it if we didn’t end up right back in isolation again three months later due to chicken pox again, and right during the holidays.

    {{{hugs}}} to all of you

  4. Dana

    Not chickenpox! I understand the frustration of sitting in the “batcave” – as my son calls the hospital rooms. We were warned about chickenpox from the very beginning. It’s scary to read about your baby girl having it.

    Hang in there and let us know how it’s going.

    Dana, fellow ALL parent

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