

May 29

X-Men 3

I normally put movie reviews in my personal blog, but this is definately a Geek Show. We saw X-Men 3 Saturday afternoon and I really enjoyed it! There are some surprising deaths, disablements and detours from the comics, but overall it was very well done and enjoyable. While we were in the theatre, I took some pics of the screen with my cell phone. They turned out better than I thought they would, but they aren’t great. I’ve loaded them up on my Flickr account, check them out if you’re interested in seeing some shots of some of the cool scenes. Beast is finally a primary character, played by Kelsey Gramer, he gets some really cool fighting sequences in the finale. At one point I thought they were going to do the scene where Magneto tears the adimantium out of Wolverine, I won’t say whether he actually did or not.

Have you seen it? What did you think of it?